“What is this DeMolay thing?”
“DeMolay is a youth leadership organization focused on building character and bettering young men as leaders. Based on timeless principles and practical experience, DeMolay aims to create extraordinary leaders of character, who strive to improve and be better each day.” (from https://beademolay.org/why-demolay/)
Q- “What are the ages?
A- DeMolay members are aged 12 to 21. At 21, members become “Senior DeMolay.”
Q- What are the main requirements to join?
A- A young man aged 12-21 who believes in a Supreme Being and wants to have fun and grow as a person.
Q– You mention that he must believe in a Supreme Being. Is DeMolay a religion?
A- No, DeMolay is not a religion. We make promises to a Supreme Being, but members just need to have a belief in a higher power.
Q- How is DeMolay structured?
A- A DeMolay is part of a Chapter, which is a group of DeMolays. A Chapter holds meetings where DeMolays run the proceedings and ceremonies with advice from trained adults. In these meetings, DeMolays learn about qualities of a good man and choose activities.
Q- What types of activities are there?
A- Activities range from fun to community service. Chapters might play laser tag or do a road clean-up, depending on what the members prefer.
Q- Will my son be safe?
A- Absolutely! Trained Advisors are always present wherever a DeMolay is. They undergo background checks and complete DeMolay International’s advisor training. Parents can also stay with their son and even become Advisors!
Q- Who really runs DeMolay?
A – The young men manage their own chapter under the oversight of chapter advisors.