To the Applicant:
ESSF provides scholarships for post high school and college level students based on scholastic
achievements and extracurricular activities in both their school and community. Since you will be judged upon the information you furnish give considerable thought to what is being requested and to the substance of the data you submit. Provide as much information about yourself as may be necessary to complete each section. Remember the members of the Foundation selection committee have not met you and have only this application by which to judge you.
Additional pages of narrative or supporting documents may be included. Any materials you send will not be returned so you are encouraged to send only copies rather than originals. These documents include letters of recommendation from persons within your school and/or community, newspaper clippings, or photos which will give the committee a better insight about you and your activities.
To qualify an applicant must:
- Be enrolled in or have applied to a public or private educational institution that offers certificates, licenses, or confers degrees.
- Write a brief essay of 400 to 500 words specifically addressing your scholastic achievements and your participation in extracurricular activities, both at school and in the community. Such activities might include sports, religious organizations, volunteer organizations, or other community service.
- Submit the completed application and essay, along with an official transcript from your most recent school. The transcript must have an official seal and placed in an official envelope with the institution’s return address.
- Sealed letter(s) of character recommendation(s) from your school or religious organization,
Renewal of Awards:
- Recipients of prior awards may apply again.
- Each scholarship renewal must be requested annually.
- Each renewal application is subject to all of the same requirements as a new application.
- Maintain a grade point average of 80% or higher based on your school’s grading scale.
Each award granted by ESSF will be executed by check made payable to the educational institution of your choice prior to the beginning of the Fall Semester for the ensuing academic year. Your name and student ID number (if available) will be placed on the Memo line. Amounts and the number of awards each year are based on the availability of funds
For Additional information you send an email
to: oes.4scholarships@gmail.com
Eastern Star Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.